ZBA Approval of Variance Request for 5303 Butler St

On February 2, 2023, Albion Residential met with the ZBA to review their variance request for 5303 Butler Street. The variance requested was a 71′ high building (45′ maximum building height currently permitted). The ZBA has approved the requested variance with conditions, including:
- “The building design shall include 12′ stepbacks from Butler St and the Firehouse Parcel, as described;
- The historic firehouse shall be restored and retained as part of the development, as described;
- All eligible housing units will accept Housing Choice Vouchers;
- The development shall comply with the guidelines outlined in the Butler Street Design Guidelines plan, including the installation of bump outs at Butler Street/McCandless Avenue and Butler Street/53rd Street, and the provision of a bus shelter;
- The dog park on the Firehouse Parcel will be made accessible to the public during the hours that it is open, with appropriate signage; and
- The development team is to work with the community groups to establish a construction mitigation plan, before construction commences, to minimize disruptions to the Persad Center and other stakeholders.”
The full ZBA approval can be read here.