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Recap of Mobility Enhancement District Implementation Plan Meeting – June 27, 2024

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation hosted a Community Development Activities Meeting on the Mobility Enhancement District Implementation Plan. The meeting was hosted at Goodwill (118 52nd St) from 6:30-8 PM and also via LU’s Facebook page. There were around 25 in person attendees and 10 online participants. The meeting was…

Recap from April Happenings Community Meeting: Kickoff to Mobility Enhancement District and possible Residential Permit Parking Changes
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Recap from April Happenings Community Meeting: Kickoff to Mobility Enhancement District and possible Residential Permit Parking Changes

Our April Happenings Community Meeting was hosted on 4/13/2023 at 6:30 PM at Arsenal Middle School at 220 40th St. The Happenings are the once monthly community meetings hosted by LU and LC on the second Thursdays of the month. This particular Happenings served as a kickoff meeting to a month’s long community process around…

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You’re Invited: Community engagement around mobility and parking solutions

Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation are inviting all Lawrenceville community members to join us for a multi-pronged engagement process to discuss the Mobility Enhancement District (MED) proposal to improve mobility and infrastructure, along with the potential changes to Residential Permit Parking (RPP) for our neighborhood. Feedback can be provided at in-person meetings/open houses or online…

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LU provides testimony regarding off-street parking design standards

A public hearing at City Council was held on Wed. 4/21 on Council Bill 2021-1085, which creates new design standards for off-street parking for single-family attached homes. This comes after advocacy from Lawrenceville United and 11 other organizations called for this additional measure, among other measures, to limit the propagation of driveway curb cuts on walkable streets,…

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R1A Zoning Text Amendments go to City Council

In March, Mayor Peduto introduced zoning text amendments with a goal of “improving pedestrian safety, enhancing neighborhood walkability, and promoting non-vehicular mobility.” Under this proposed legislation, minimum parking requirements would be reduced from 1 to 0 in R1A (residential, single-family attached AKA rowhouse) neighborhoods like Lawrenceville. Maximum parking requirements would remain the same (4). For more information,…

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Update: off-street parking requirements for rowhouse neighborhoods

In March, Mayor Peduto introduced zoning text amendments with a goal of “improving pedestrian safety, enhancing neighborhood walkability, and promoting non-vehicular mobility.” Under this proposed legislation, minimum parking requirements would be reduced from 1 to 0 in R1A (residential, single-family attached AKA rowhouse) neighborhoods like Lawrenceville. Maximum parking requirements would remain the same (4). For more…