Recap of Lawrenceville Happenings: Neighborhood Updates 2/06/2025
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Recap of Lawrenceville Happenings: Neighborhood Updates 2/06/2025

On Thursday, February 6, 2025, Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation hosted the Lawrenceville Happenings on general neighborhood updates to kickoff the 2025 year. The meeting was hosted at the CLP – Lawrenceville (279 Fisk St) from 6:30-8 PM and also via LU’s Facebook page. There were 25 in-person attendees and 10 online participants. The meeting…

2024 LU Board Elections + Spring Membership Meeting
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2024 LU Board Elections + Spring Membership Meeting

The LU Spring Membership Meeting & Board Elections will be held on Thursday 6/13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Clemente Museum (3339 Penn Avenue) and streamed live on LU’s Facebook page at More information about the meeting: How to become a member, or renew your membership: If you need to renew your membership, or have never been a member of…

Recap of Happenings 5/9/24: POGOH, 311, & Main/Penn traffic calming
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Recap of Happenings 5/9/24: POGOH, 311, & Main/Penn traffic calming

The May Happenings community meeting was held on 5/9/24 at 6:30 PM at the Lawrenceville library and covered: Presentation from POGOH on their proposed expansion of 2 new bike stations in Lawrenceville at 47th/Butler + 40th/Penn Presentation from the Mayor’s Office’s Wendy Urbanic on using 311 Presentation from the Mayor’s Office’s Jan Raether on traffic…

Recap from April Happenings Community Meeting: Kickoff to Mobility Enhancement District and possible Residential Permit Parking Changes
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Recap from April Happenings Community Meeting: Kickoff to Mobility Enhancement District and possible Residential Permit Parking Changes

Our April Happenings Community Meeting was hosted on 4/13/2023 at 6:30 PM at Arsenal Middle School at 220 40th St. The Happenings are the once monthly community meetings hosted by LU and LC on the second Thursdays of the month. This particular Happenings served as a kickoff meeting to a month’s long community process around…

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You’re Invited: Community engagement around mobility and parking solutions

Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation are inviting all Lawrenceville community members to join us for a multi-pronged engagement process to discuss the Mobility Enhancement District (MED) proposal to improve mobility and infrastructure, along with the potential changes to Residential Permit Parking (RPP) for our neighborhood. Feedback can be provided at in-person meetings/open houses or online…

Recap from March Happenings Community Meeting: 2022 Crime in Review
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Recap from March Happenings Community Meeting: 2022 Crime in Review

Our March Happenings Community Meeting was hosted on 3/9/2023 at 5:30 PM at the library on Fisk Street. The Happenings are the once monthly community meetings hosted by LU and LC on the second Thursdays of the month. There were approximately 20 people present in person and 5 people present over Facebook Live. The meeting…

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March “Happenings” meeting 3/9/23: 2022 crime in review

Lawrenceville Happenings Community Meeting, March Edition Review of 2022 Crime Please join Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation on Thursday 3/9 at 5:30 PM for our monthly “Happenings” community meeting. Pittsburgh Bureau of Police will review crime stats in Lawrenceville for 2022. Our local police zone will be in attendance for updates & questions. 5:30 PM,…

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Recap of February Happenings Meeting: Crime in Review

On Tuesday, Feb. 16th at 6:30 p.m., LU hosted our February “Happenings” meeting, with a focus on recent crime trends. Dr. Heath Johnson from the Bureau of Police led a presentation on crime statistics for Lawrenceville in 2020 compared to 5-year averages. Lieutenant Lackner, Acting Commander of Zone 2 Police, provided an update on recent…