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Resources & Recordings from “Housing For All” Resource Fair

Lawrenceville United and Rep. Lindsay Powell co-hosted a “Housing For All” Resource Fair on Saturday 9/7/24 at Goodwill of Southwestern PA. Please see below for resources and recordings from the event! A huge thanks to everyone who attended and all of our partners who tabled & offered presentations to share valuable information and resources.

Opening Presentation: The State of Housing in Lawrenceville & What’s Being Done About It

Presentations Geared for Homeowners

Knowing the worth of your home & avoiding predatory practicesPresentation from LU & Fair Housing PartnershipVideo (starts at 3:30 and ends at 37:48)
Home repair programs & accessibility modificationsURA Presentation, ACTION Housing websiteVideo (starts at 39:10 and ends at 1:12:40)
PennVEST and HEELP financing programs for homeownersPHFA presentation Video (starts at 1:17:40 and ends at 1:45:40)
Longtime Owner Occupied Protections for homeowners worried about property reassessmentsDocument from Sen. CostaN/A

Presentations Geared for Tenants

From Rental Housing to HomeownershipPresentation from WAVEVideo
Community Land Trusts & available homes to buyPresentation from City of Bridges Community Land TrustVideo
Tenant Know Your Rights workshopPresentation from Pittsburgh Union of Regional RentersVideo
Accessing rent assistancePresentation from RentHelpPGHVideo

Tabling Organizations

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