
Recap of Lawrenceville Happenings: Pittsburgh Water, Hillman Cancer Center, & Pittsburghers for Public Transit 11/07/2024

On Thursday, November 7, 2024, Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation hosted the Lawrenceville Happenings with visiting presenters from Pittsburgh Water, UPMC’s Hillman Cancer Center, and Pittsburghers for Public Transit. The meeting was hosted at the Healthy Active Living Center (4600 Butler St) from 6:30-8 PM and also via LU’s Facebook page. There were 7 in person attendees and 10 online participants.

The meeting was led by LU’s Community Engagement & Program Manager, Emma Gamble, and LC’s Business District Coordinator, Ross Greenberg. They first introduced the backgrounds of LU and LC before turning it over to the visiting presenters, who shared the following:

  • Frank P. Sidari from Pittsburgh Water
    • Shared an overview of the Pittsburgh Water Authority and our water system. There was an emphasis on lead line service replacement, and notably Pittsburgh comes in below the EPA’s maximum standard for lead levels. Mr. Sidari went on to share about upcoming construction in Upper Lawrenceville for early 2025, and additionally shared information about updates to the customer assistance program and other programs folks can access to reduce the cost on their water bill.
  • Kate Prosachik from UPMC’s Hillman Cancer Center
    • Presented on lung cancer because November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. She shared an overview of lung cancer, its causes and symptoms, along with ways to prevent and/or reduce risk of lung cancer. She additionally shared about how to access testing for radon which is the second leading cause of lung cancer.
  • Dean Mougianis from Pittsburghers for Public Transit
    • Shared about the proposed updates coming to Pittsburgh Regional Transit’s bus lines. Since 2010, Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots union of transit riders, workers and neighbors working to improve and protect affordable and accessible public transit in Pittsburgh. Dean reviewed the proposed changes from PRT and helped attendees look at lines specific to Lawrenceville. PPT is currently advocating for PRT to support a bus line redesign that works for all. You can sign their petition at the links below and learn how to get involved.

Following the presentations, the floor was then opened to any questions or comments. Thank you to all who attended in person and virtually! You can review the meeting and related documents. Please reach out to LU at info@lunited.org or 412-802-7220.

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