Recap from Holy Family Community Meeting 9/14/21

On 9/14, E Properties & Development presented their latest plans for a redevelopment of the Holy Family site for 45 for-sale housing units. Their plans include a historic rehabilitation of the church building for 24 units, and 21 new townhomes to be constructed where the former school and rectory buildings stand. Per the Lawrenceville inclusionary zoning ordinance, 5 of the units will be required to be affordably priced and sold to households earning less than 80% Area Median Income (about $60,000 annual income for a household of 3).

Their latest community plans come to the community in advance of an anticipated Planning Commission hearing that was required as part of their zoning approvals and will focus on the exterior treatment of the historic church building. Community members in attendance on 9/14 shared their excitement to finally see development move forward on the blighted property, where fires have occurred in recent years, and stressed the need to preserve and highlight the historic aspects of the church and its meaning to the community. Neighbors also requested E Properties address negative impacts of construction related to rodents, noise, and parking.

For more information on the meeting, check out:

If you have any questions or input, or want to be kept apprised of the Planning Commission hearing once it’s scheduled, please contact LU at or 412-802-7220.

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