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Recap of Community Development Activities Meeting at 3634 Penn Ave
On Thursday, December 14th, at 6:30 PM, Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation hosted the Community Development Activities Meetings at New Alliance Federal Credit Union (3709 Butler St). The CDAM focused on proposed development at 3634 Penn Ave. The proposed plan calls for 50 rental units (townhome and apartment style) at the site. The meeting opened…
JOIN US! Lawrenceville United Fall Membership Meeting
October 9, 2019 Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania 118 52nd Street, PGH PA 15201 | 6:30p We would like to invite you to attend our General Membership meeting on Wednesday October 9th at 6:30p. Each year, Lawrenceville United hosts two (2) General Membership meetings, in the spring and fall to report on the work that has…
Community Meeting for Renters
Are you facing challenges making rent due to COVID-19? Need support to stay in your home? Come learn about local resources that can help! Speakers will discuss applying for the PA CARES rent relief program, current status of the eviction moratorium, and accessing emergency services. Three ways to join: Zoom: Phone: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID:…
Lawrenceville Tree Park Whole Foods Day May 22nd!
On April 6th, over 50 residents and volunteers came out to finally transform a blighted lot into our first tree park; a design and initiative that has been underway for 5 years. Tree Pittsburgh: Lawrenceville Tree Tenders, along with board and staff of Lawrenceville United, and Lawrenceville Corporation staff worked with the crews from Western…
Celebrating Diversity at Arsenal
More than 15 countries were represented at this week’s Arsenal 360 Night, a celebration of the many cultural backgrounds of its students and their families. From pierogis to Somali Lahooh, families showcased their traditional foods while sampling many others. Students shared their cultures through singing, dancing, and storytelling. It was a great reminder of how…