Lawrenceville Clean Air Now (LCAN)

/ Lawrenceville Clean Air Now (LCAN)

Formed in late 2018, with the support of Lawrenceville United, Lawrenceville Clean Air Now (LCAN) is a growing group of people who live and work in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh. We are deeply concerned about the effect that air pollution in Lawrenceville and across Allegheny County is having on public health.

Our neighborhood is unique in Pittsburgh in terms of how close heavy industry is to other businesses and residences — far closer than modern zoning laws would ever allow. Lawrenceville is the only City neighborhood to be home to not only one, but two, of the “Toxic Ten,” the County’s biggest industrial polluters.

Time and change has drastically increased Lawrenceville’s housing and retail costs as well as neighborhood traffic. Yet few seem aware of the ongoing high levels of air pollution, which places at greater risk many of the neighborhood’s most vulnerable populations, including older adults, children, and individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

LCAN aims to share information, resources, and advocacy opportunities regarding air quality in
Lawrenceville, Pittsburgh, and Allegheny County in order to address local air pollution. Some members have been working on this issue for years, and some are new to the cause. We share a love for our neighborhood and its history, and a hope that Lawrenceville can accommodate all who wish to remain living and working here — safely.


  • LCAN monthly meetings are the second Saturday of every month at 10am in the Lawrenceville Library’s lower level. The next meeting is Feb. 8, 2020.
  • SIGN UP for LCAN email updates. We will contact you 1-2x a month with important developments and opportunities to improve Lawrenceville’s air, including info on our upcoming meetings. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Questions or ideas? Want to learn more?
