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Understanding Implicit Bias, Feb. 6, 6-9 pm
Understanding Implicit Bias How can someone’s race, sex, age, and other characteristics influence the way we see and treat them even when we are genuinely trying to be unbiased? What concrete steps can we take to help prevent this from happening in our workplace, our neighborhood and in our family? To help answer these questions,…
Arsenal and Leslie Parks Planning: May 2015 Update
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We’re hiring: Shared Finance Manager
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We’re hiring: Community Engagement & Program Manager
View this job description as a PDF here. Announcement of Open Position Community Engagement and Program Manager Lawrenceville United, a community-based non-profit organization working to protect and improve the quality of life of all Lawrenceville residents, is seeking a highly productive individual with strong interpersonal and communication skills who is passionate about community-driven revitalization and…
Lawrenceville United 2017 in Review
Our year in review 2017 was a year of big accomplishments in Lawrenceville. In case you missed it, here are some of the achievements in 2017 that we’re most proud of. 2017 in Review Save the date for our annual membership meeting on June 5th, 2018, and if you’re not already a member, please consider…