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Squareview Apartments (3415-3417 Butler Street)
UPDATE: Zoning Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustments 200 Ross Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 2.13.2014 9:20a Zone Case #: 37/14 Chip Desmone will present plans for new 4-story multi-residential structure (12 units total) and 4,304 sq.ft. of the first floor to remain vacant for commercial use integral parking spaces. Seeking relief from the Zoning Code’s maximum height…
Update: off-street parking requirements for rowhouse neighborhoods
In March, Mayor Peduto introduced zoning text amendments with a goal of “improving pedestrian safety, enhancing neighborhood walkability, and promoting non-vehicular mobility.” Under this proposed legislation, minimum parking requirements would be reduced from 1 to 0 in R1A (residential, single-family attached AKA rowhouse) neighborhoods like Lawrenceville. Maximum parking requirements would remain the same (4). For more…
2023 LU Board Elections + Spring Membership Meeting
The LU Spring Membership Meeting & Board Elections will be held on Thursday 6/8 at 6:30 p.m. at Goodwill’s Workforce Development Center (118 52nd Street) and streamed live on LU’s Facebook page at More information about the meeting: How to become a member, or renew your membership: If you need to renew your membership, or have never…