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Lola Gardens Redevelopment
Lola Gardens at 35th and Butler, has begun development into a parking area for adjacent development across the street
2021 LU Board Elections
Want to make a difference in your neighborhood? Consider running for an open position on Lawrenceville United’s Board of Directors! What does the Board do? The Board governs the organization and is ultimately responsible for LU’s conduct. The Board is responsible for setting LU’s goals in pursuit of its mission to improve and protect…
Lawrenceville Wide Public Safety Meeting 1/15/2019
LU hosted our first Lawrenceville-wide Public Safety Meeting on Tuesday 1/15/2019 at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Lawrenceville branch. Big thanks to the library for hosting, Dr. Heath Johnson from Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, Zone 2 Police’s Commander Zett, Officer Davis, and Det. Malloy, Public Safety Director Hissrich and Dan Shak, as well as…