Happenings meeting: What are the next steps for Inclusionary Zoning in Lawrenceville?
After resounding testimony at City Council public hearings and the Planning Commission by many scores Lawrenceville residents and supportive housing justice advocates from across Pittsburgh, City Council unanimously approved the Inclusionary Zoning Interim Planning Overlay District (IPOD-6) and the Mayor signed the ordinance on July 25th of 2019.
What difference has inclusionary zoning made for Lawrenceville so far? And what’s next? Please join us for an update on inclusionary zoning to preserve affordable housing in Lawrenceville, and hear about possible next steps to take action! Contact us at info@lunited.org or call us at 412-802-7220 to RSVP and receive the Zoom info to join the video meeting or call in by phone on December 15th between 6:30-8pm.