Community Meeting on 4501 Butler (Morgan’s BBQ)

Please join us for a second community meeting regarding Morgan’s BBQ’s proposed use of 4501 Butler Street (formerly Bargain Auto Mart) as a new restaurant with liquor license. The meeting will be held on Monday, May 1st at 6:30 PM at St. Mary’s Lyceum.
Morgan’s BBQ are appearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustments on May 11th at 8:50 AM for a variance for an accessory use of the outdoor area, and special exceptions for rear setback and location of refuse receptacles.
Morgan’s BBQ’s team has been revising their plans to accommodate community concerns. As part of Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation’s community process, you are encouraged to attend this meeting to learn about the status of their plans, ask questions, and provide feedback to the community organizations.
Please call Lawrenceville United at 412-802-7220 or email for more information.

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