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Mixed doubles tennis tournament
To register for the tournament, please click HERE.
We Love Woolslair Night tomorrow 3/6, 5:30-7:30 PM
We Love Woolslair Night is a family fun night for current Woolslair families, and also potential Woolslair families within Woolslair’s feeder area. Activities will include bingo, face painting, luminary decorating, make your own Mardi Gras mask, free dinner, and more! The kindergarten teacher will be on hand to lead pre-K activities for young children who…
Be Kind to Lawrenceville Trees
Killing Lawrenceville Trees Lawrenceville United, Tree Pittsburgh: Lawrenceville Tree Tenders, and thousands of volunteers have come together over the years to plant hundreds of trees not only in our new and old green spaces, but all along residential and commercial corridors . The trees provide improved air quality, water conservation and stormwater mitigation, as well…
Lawrenceville United & Lawrenceville Corporation Statement on Dijlah Shooting
October 22, 2024 Early in the morning October 6th, Malcolm Isaiah Nowlin was shot while working security at Dijlah, and later passed away from his injuries. This despicable and senseless act of violence reportedly occurred after a customer was denied entry by security to Dijlah after its after hours hookah lounge had closed. By all…

Recap from April Happenings Community Meeting: Kickoff to Mobility Enhancement District and possible Residential Permit Parking Changes
Our April Happenings Community Meeting was hosted on 4/13/2023 at 6:30 PM at Arsenal Middle School at 220 40th St. The Happenings are the once monthly community meetings hosted by LU and LC on the second Thursdays of the month. This particular Happenings served as a kickoff meeting to a month’s long community process around…