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Gus’s – 4717 Butler Street (Former Back Room Bar and Grill)

7.26.2013 A placard has been posted at 4717 Butler Street for a proposed new restaurant/ bar.  George Harritos, former owner of Harris Grill, is the proposed owner. We are working to schedule a community meeting for late July/ early August.  The menu – still in development – will be completely gluten-free. Sandwiches will be made…

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Industry Public House Expansion

A community meeting for Industry Public House was held on June 11th.  We had about 20 residents in attendance.  The owners presented their plan to expand their dining area. Industry has received no violations since opening in March, 2012.   They will be expanding their current kitchen, and then putting more dining table seating in the new expanded area.  They…

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4901 Butler Street – Roundabout Brewery

The business owners who will be leasing this space from Wylie Holdings have applied for a special exception from the Zoning Board to open a small brewery at 4901 Butler Street.  They had a hearing on March 7, 2013.  There were no objectors at the hearing. Steve Sloan, the owner, has offered to meet with any…

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The Abbey – 4635 Butler Street

1.26.2015 The Abbey Group, LLC applied for zoning approvals and a liquor license last year to operate The Abbey – a coffee bar and restaurant/ lounge.  Construction has started on the outdoor patio for the business on Home Street.  The Abbey’s zoning requests were approved with specific conditions to mitigate the impact on adjacent residents…

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Responsible Alcohol Management Program Training April 15th REGISTER TODAY!

Lawrenceville Corporation and Lawrenceville United are providing local Responsible Alcohol Management Program training with the help of Legacy Healing Center for liquor serving establishments as part of our continued responsible hospitality work. Most Lawrenceville businesses are already RAMP certified but this is an opportunity to send new employees or send long time employees for a refresher. …

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New Business at 47th and Butler Update

On Tuesday March 19th, the Abbey Group, LLC presented their plans for 4635 Butler Street.  The community, in general, seemed interested in their plans and ideas for the space.  Nearby residents expressed concern over parking and noise.  LU will be working with the owners on plans to  mitigate the impact that the establishment could have…

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Community Meeting for New Business at 47th and Butler

IMPORTANT MEETING for LAWRENCEVILLE RESIDENTS and BUSINESSES regarding a proposed business at 4635 Butler Street (corner of Home and Butler) that requires a liquor license approval. TUESDAY, March 19th 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Boys & Girls Club 4600 Butler Street The Abbey Group, LLC have applied for a liquor license (LID 59872)  for their business at 4635 Butler…

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Brewery Coming to 4901 Butler Street

The business owners who will be leasing this space from Wylie Holdings have applied for a special exception from the Zoning Board to open a small brewery at 4901 Butler Street.  They have a hearing scheduled for March 7, 2013.  Steve Sloan, the owner, has offered to meet with any individuals who may have concerns or questions. …

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Community Meeting Regarding Liquor License Request for CURE – 5336 Butler St.

The Cure Restaurant, LLC (Owner: Justin Severino) has applied for approval of the transfer of Pennsylvania liquor license R-9623 for use at Cure.  This is a double transfer of the liquor license, and because the license is proposed to transfer from outside of the City, to a location within the City, it calls for City…