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Lawrenceville Homeowners Workshop

Workshop for Homeowners in Lawrenceville (and beyond!). On Monday, 11/16 at 6pm, Lawrenceville United is hosting a workshop for homeowners with fantastic and knowledgeable speakers from Action Housing, Urban Redevelopment Authority, City of Bridges CLT and the Duquesne University Law Clinic. Join us to learn about local resources available to help you with: mortgage &…

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Recap from Community Meeting for Renters

A resource workshop for renters was held on 10/22/2020. Check out the full video below or HERE to catch all the great information. Big thanks to all our partners: Hill District Consensus Group, Rent Help PGH, Hispanic CDC, Community Justice Project, CMU CREATE Lab, and Regional Housing Legal Services. Presentation from Lawrenceville United Presentation from…

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Community Meeting for Renters

Are you facing challenges making rent due to COVID-19? Need support to stay in your home? Come learn about local resources that can help! Speakers will discuss applying for the PA CARES rent relief program, current status of the eviction moratorium, and accessing emergency services. Three ways to join: Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/99886205261 Phone: 312-626-6799 Meeting ID:…

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R1A Zoning Text Amendments go to City Council

In March, Mayor Peduto introduced zoning text amendments with a goal of “improving pedestrian safety, enhancing neighborhood walkability, and promoting non-vehicular mobility.” Under this proposed legislation, minimum parking requirements would be reduced from 1 to 0 in R1A (residential, single-family attached AKA rowhouse) neighborhoods like Lawrenceville. Maximum parking requirements would remain the same (4). For more information,…

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September Community Happenings meeting

Join us for the monthly Happenings meeting, our Lawrenceville-wide virtual community meeting, next Tuesday, September 15th, at 6:30 p.m. The Pittsburgh Task Force on Public Algorithms will be presenting on their work and collecting feedback.  As has become part of our new normal, we will share information on lots of practical resources to keep coping with…

Neighbors in Need Crisis Fund
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Neighbors in Need Crisis Fund

  With support from the Pittsburgh Foundation, Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation are offering emergency grants up to $500 to Lawrenceville residents and small businesses to meet urgent, essential needs.       Any questions, please contact info@LUnited.org or 412-802-7220 for residents, and 412-621-1616 for businesses. If you’d like to support the fund, you can…

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Update: off-street parking requirements for rowhouse neighborhoods

In March, Mayor Peduto introduced zoning text amendments with a goal of “improving pedestrian safety, enhancing neighborhood walkability, and promoting non-vehicular mobility.” Under this proposed legislation, minimum parking requirements would be reduced from 1 to 0 in R1A (residential, single-family attached AKA rowhouse) neighborhoods like Lawrenceville. Maximum parking requirements would remain the same (4). For more…

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Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program voucher applications open!

2020 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program   The annual Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) is available to eligible residents of Allegheny County. Eligible individuals may receive one set of checks worth $24 to be spent at participating farmers markets.   The 2020 Senior Farmers Market Program will look different this year due to COVID-19….