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LIVE! in Lawrenceville Annual Fundraiser 9.14.2013

LIVE! in Lawrenceville Success and Thank You! On Saturday September 14, 2013, members and supporters of Lawrenceville United came out to celebrate the work of the organization and to also celebrate community! More than 200 people attended LIVE! in Lawrenceville, the first recurring fundraiser focused solely on supporting Lawrenceville United and our programs. The evening…


Crime Prevention Information and Tips on Recent Public Safety Concerns

A Message from Commander Holmes of Pittsburgh’s Bureau of Police Zone 2… Over the past week there has been an increase in robberies in Zone Two. To include the following locations: Central Business District Strip District Uptown Lawrenceville   We are diligently working to solve these crimes and bring those responsible to justice.   Meanwhile, please check…

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Gus’s – 4717 Butler Street (Former Back Room Bar and Grill)

7.26.2013 A placard has been posted at 4717 Butler Street for a proposed new restaurant/ bar.  George Harritos, former owner of Harris Grill, is the proposed owner. We are working to schedule a community meeting for late July/ early August.  The menu – still in development – will be completely gluten-free. Sandwiches will be made…

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New Amsterdam Addition

New Amsterdam held a community meeting June 2, 2011 when the deck was initially proposed.  At that time, they met with the community regarding the development of a rooftop dining space.  The community was generally supportive as long as measures to screen the rooftop and control the noise were included in the plan.  They have…

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Lawrenceville United Housing Request for Proposals Released with Updated Properties EXTENDED

The Application Deadline has been extended until August 9th! Lawrenceville United (LU)[1] works to improve the overall quality of life for Lawrenceville residents and stakeholders.  LU has worked over the past twelve years to eliminate blight throughout Lower, Central, and Upper Lawrenceville by targeting nuisance and problem properties and prioritizing the demolitions, acquisition and redevelopment…

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Be Kind to Lawrenceville Trees

Killing Lawrenceville Trees Lawrenceville United, Tree Pittsburgh: Lawrenceville Tree Tenders, and thousands of volunteers have come together over the years to plant hundreds of trees not only in our new and old green spaces, but all along residential and commercial corridors .  The trees provide improved air quality, water conservation and stormwater mitigation,  as well…

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Industry Public House Expansion

A community meeting for Industry Public House was held on June 11th.  We had about 20 residents in attendance.  The owners presented their plan to expand their dining area. Industry has received no violations since opening in March, 2012.   They will be expanding their current kitchen, and then putting more dining table seating in the new expanded area.  They…

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4901 Butler Street – Roundabout Brewery

The business owners who will be leasing this space from Wylie Holdings have applied for a special exception from the Zoning Board to open a small brewery at 4901 Butler Street.  They had a hearing on March 7, 2013.  There were no objectors at the hearing. Steve Sloan, the owner, has offered to meet with any…

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Important Expansion Meeting Regarding 4305 Butler Street 6.11.2013

4305 Butler Street (Industry Public House) LVW LLC is proposing expansion to Industry Public House (4305 Butler Street).  Under the zoning code it is a 1,400 sq. ft. expansion of existing restaurant (general). They are requesting the following: Special Exception: 911.04.A.57 use as restaurant (general) in LNC zoning district is a Special Exception Join us…