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Arsenal 360 Night featured by Global Switchboard

In May 2015, Arsenal Elementary & Arsenal Middle School teamed up, with support from the Sprout Fund & the Global Switchboard, to host “Arsenal 360 Night,” a special family fun night to celebrate the diversity of the schools and the many cultures of Arsenal families. It was a wonderful evening full of delicious food from all across…

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Monthly Parent Workshops at Arsenal (Serie de talleres gratis para los padres)

Every month this school year, Arsenal PEP Rally parents will be hosting a monthly workshop on topics relevant to parents of school-age children. All workshops are FREE and open to the community, with free dinner and child care provided. See below for the complete schedule. Please RSVP to Dave at (412) 802.7220 or Dave@LUnited.org.

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Lawrenceville Housing Survey

          Our friends at Lawrenceville Corporation are working on solutions for affordable housing, and they need to hear from you about your housing experience. The survey takes about 5 minutes, and the answers will guide work moving forward, so the more responses we get, the better we can serve you! Your responses…

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47th and Plummer

6.17.2015 The Zoning Hearing for this project will be held at 9:40AM on Thursday, June 25. The presentation shared at the February community meeting is available here: presentation. 2.26.2015 A meeting was held on February 24 to discuss the new construction residential development of the lot/garden at 47th and Plummer. The developer, Randy Morris of Lowla LLC,…