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Lawrenceville Tree Tenders Meet & Greet

    Look around Lawrenceville and you can see that this neighborhood is full of beautiful street trees and unique green spaces.  Many hands have supported the work of transforming Lawrenceville into a place with strong community gardens, beautiful parks, and a tree lined main street. The Lawrenceville Tree Tenders (LVTT) is one of the groups that has been responsible for leading this work in Lawrenceville.  Join the LVTT…

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Recap from Community Meeting with the FBI

On Monday, January 28th, Lawrenceville United hosted the FBI units working on hate crimes and domestic terrorism for a presentation on hate crimes and hate incidents. Over 80 people attended. The full presentation is available HERE. Special thanks to the FBI, the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Zone 2, and all…

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Lawrenceville Wide Public Safety Meeting 1/15/2019

LU hosted our first Lawrenceville-wide Public Safety Meeting on Tuesday 1/15/2019 at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Lawrenceville branch. Big thanks to the library for hosting, Dr. Heath Johnson from Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, Zone 2 Police’s Commander Zett, Officer Davis, and Det. Malloy, Public Safety Director Hissrich and Dan Shak, as well as…

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Public Information Meeting – Lawrenceville’s nomination to the National Register of Historic Places

The Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office, the Pittsburgh Department of City Planning and the Urban Redevelopment Authority have been working with the Lawrenceville community to see the neighborhood added to the National Register of Historic Places. Please join us at 6.30 PM on Monday, December 10th at the Goodwill Workforce Development Center (118 52ndStreet, 15201) for an…

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Support “Housing for All”: a call to action for inclusionary zoning

Lawrenceville United, Lawrenceville Corporation, Councilwoman Deb Gross, and the Department of City Planning co-hosted three “Housing For All” community meetings between September and November to discuss the state of housing and displacement in Lawrenceville and discuss a possible inclusionary zoning policy in Lawrenceville. Meeting notes are available here. Now it’s time to make “housing for…

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McConway and Torley air quality permit finalized

Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) released the final operating permit for McConway and Torley on Friday, October 26th. Please see below for the relevant documents: Final operating permit Summary document ACHD responses to all comments received during public comment period Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation had requested during the public comment period that fenceline monitoring…

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Recap from Housing For All: Community Feedback & Call to Action

Lawrenceville United, Lawrenceville Corporation, Councilwoman Deb Gross, and the Department of City Planning held the third and final “Housing For All” community meeting on Monday, November 5th from 6-8 p.m. at Goodwill of Southwestern PA’s Workforce Development Center. The meeting focused on the proposed Interim Planning Overlay District (IPOD) for Lawrenceville that would implement inclusionary…