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Arsenal Park Community Planning

November 21, 2013 6:30pm Pittsburgh Arsenal 6-8 220 40th Street [Entrance is located on 40th Street across from St. John’s Way. Separate Handicapped access available as well.] Join us to begin discussion around planning and developing Arsenal Park into a great place for residents, visitors, and all community stakeholders! Child care provided for children 3 –…

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Development of New Residential Units at 260 42nd Street

Brian Mendelssohn of Botero Development attended a community meeting on October 14th to present his plans for 8 residential units at 260 42nd Street.  Residents were generally supportive, but concerned around the additional cars in the area.  Mr. Mendelssohn agreed to write into his leases that residents are NOT allowed to participate in the Residential…

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Parking Concerns and Issues in Lawrenceville

LU continues to receive many questions and concerns around parking.  The Pittsburgh Parking Authority attended the Happenings Block Watch in September and discussed issues relative to enforcement and the new meters that will be installed in Lawrenceville. Some residents were concerned that their streets are not being enforced effectively. Since the meeting, the Parking Authority…

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Lawrenceville Corporation Statement Regarding the Former Iron City Brewery Site

From Matthew Galluzzo, Executive Director Lawrenceville Corporation As many of you know, the Lawrenceville Corporation (LC) has been working over the past year with our neighborhood partners and Collier Development LP, the owners of the former Iron City Brewery site, to complete a master planning process that would guide redevelopment efforts on the site. Despite…

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IMPORTANT MEETING regarding a proposed new business at 4811 Butler St. in Lawrenceville

Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:00 pm Boys & Girls Club 4600 Butler Street Priyyash Inc. (Neil Shah – Manager ) is planning to open “Beer on Butler” a Beer Distributor that will also sell groceries and tobacco products at 4811 Butler Street. Priyyash, Inc. has applied for a Distributor Liquor License (LID 68811, License No….

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Important Meeting regarding the restoration and redevelopment of the St. Mary’s Academy Building and the current Masterplan for the site.

Tuesday October 1, 2013 7:00 pm St. Mary’s Lower Lyceum 333 45th Street Please join us on Tuesday, October 1st at 7 pm at St. Mary’s Lyceum (333 45th Street)  to learn more regarding the plans for the redevelopment of St. Mary’s Church and St. Mary’s Academy Building on 46th Street.  Joe Huber from the…


Spaghetti Dinner to Benefit Lawrenceville Dog Run

Friday, October 4, 2013 Teamster Temple: 4701 Butler Street   The Lawrenceville Gourmet Spaghetti Dinner returns to the neighborhood’s Teamster Temple on Friday, October 4, 2013, in celebration of the Bernard Dog Runʼs official one year anniversary. In March of 2012, the Lawrenceville Gourmet Spaghetti Dinner helped generate the much needed funding, along with support from…


JOIN US! Lawrenceville United Bi-Annual Membership Meeting

October 15, 2013th St. Mary’s Lower Lyceum 333 45th Street | 6:30p We would like to invite you to attend our General Membership meeting on Tuesday October 15th at 6:30p.  Each year, Lawrenceville United hosts two (2) General Membership meetings, in the spring and fall to report on the work that has been completed, the work…


Love Your Block Round 2 & ReEnergize Pittsburgh’s “BLACK AND GOLD CITY GOES GREEN” Blitz

On October 5th, Lawrenceville United will be hosting a second round of work at Paper Street Place, thanks to ServePGH’s “Best Block Revitalization Project” by the Mayor’s Love Your Block program .  Volunteers will work from 9a – 2p focused on laying stepping stones, sealing the mural created by local artist David Calfo, planting blubs…

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Love Your Block Round 2 & ReEnergize Pittsburgh’s “BLACK AND GOLD CITY GOES GREEN” Blitz

On October 5th, Lawrenceville United will be hosting a second round of work at Paper Street Place, thanks to ServePGH’s “Best Block Revitalization Project” by the Mayor’s Love Your Block program .  Volunteers will work from 9a – 2p focused on laying stepping stones, sealing the mural created by local artist David Calfo, planting blubs…