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Group Tour of Arsenal Elementary

Arsenal Elementary will be hosting a group tour on Friday, February 28th from 10-11 AM. The tour will include an information session with the acting principal, a tour of the National Historic Landmark building, a chance to see a kindergarten class in session, and a Q&A with kindergarten teachers. Space is limited, so please RSVP…

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Group Tour of Arsenal Elementary

Arsenal Elementary will be hosting a group tour on Friday, February 28th from 10-11 AM. The tour will include an information session with the acting principal, a tour of the National Historic Landmark building, a chance to see a kindergarten class in session, and a Q&A with kindergarten teachers. Space is limited, so please RSVP…

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Squareview Apartments (3415-3417 Butler Street)

UPDATE: Zoning Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustments 200 Ross Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 2.13.2014 9:20a Zone Case #:  37/14 Chip Desmone will present plans for new 4-story multi-residential structure (12 units total) and 4,304 sq.ft. of the first floor to remain vacant for commercial use integral parking spaces. Seeking relief from the Zoning Code’s maximum height…

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Arsenal Park Masterplan Update!

Hello and Happy New Year! We hope that you enjoyed a happy and healthy holiday season.  We also hope that you have been thinking about Arsenal Park and that ideas have been churning regarding the preservation and revitalization of the park over the last few weeks. We held a community meeting in November to provide…

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Employment Program WORKS for Lawrenceville Residents

Lawrenceville WORKS! is a program through Goodwill, in partnership with Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation, funded by UPMC Health Plan and Duquesne Light. Check out our most recent article in the Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation’s Bulletin: http://bloomfield-garfield.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Bulletin-January-2014_small.pdf


AdvantAGE Mini-grants

Are you a resident of Lawrenceville looking to engage your neighbors around a project, activity, or program?  Then apply for the Lawrenceville AdvantAGE Grant today!   The Lawrenceville AdvantAGE Grant program was developed out of the Senior AdvantAGE program as an opportunity to create a stronger connection between long-time residents, and also between long-time residents…

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4618 Carlton Street

Wylie Holdings has proposed a new construction town home development for the space.  By following this link, you will be able to see renderings of what they have proposed:  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.576983625699434.1073741833.255397811191352&type=1 Not all of the details are set and they are still working on exterior design finishes.  It does look like the new construction buildings will be…

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4115 Butler Street – Smoke BBQ and Taqueria

2.25.15 UPDATE Smoke BBQ Taqueria opened at the beginning of February. Hours are listed as: Tuesday closed Mon-Thurs 11-10PM Friday 11-11PM Sat-Sun 10-11PM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lawrenceville United and Lawrenceville Corporation convened a meeting on December 3, 2013 at Stephen Foster’s to discuss the proposed opening of Smoke BBQ and Taqueria at 4115 Butler Street.  A handful…

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PEP Rally Response to Proposed Woolslair Closure

On Tuesday, November 26th, the Pittsburgh School Board voted to open the public process to begin conversations on closing Woolslair Elementary for the 2014-2015 school year and moving the students to Arsenal Elementary. The final vote to close the school will not occur until March 2014, and public hearings will be held every month to…