Board Member George Saba

Name: George Saba

Area: Central Lawrenceville/ 9th Ward

How long have you lived in Lawrenceville? 2 years

Why did you move to/ stay in Lawrenceville? I moved here because I was looking for a diverse and growing community in the city.

Current Employer/ Job Title:  Assistant Public Defender

Please list Community Service, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: I have worked on the Public Safety Committee for LU, as well as having done research for Allegheny County Criminal Justic Advisory Board.  I have also worked as a tutor for aslyee children to help them adjust to US culture and education.

 What makes Lawrenceville unique?  Why?  The people of Lawrenceville make it unique!  Through their involvement they bring the personal history of what has always made this community great with a passion to ensure that the community’s future is safe.  Maintaining this involvement means that the neighborhood will continue to grow and that local businesses will thrive.

What is was one thing you would like to work on within the neighborhood?  Why?  I would like to develop a more publicly accessible platform between the neighborhood and the city to share needs or concerns regarding infrastructure or public service issues.

What LU program or project most interests you?  Why?  Due to my work with the county, I am very familiar with the legal and practical importance that public safety issues raise, therefore I am interested in continuing to work closely with the public safety committee to improve the safety of our neighborhood.

What is one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you?  I am the owner of a 2 year old beagle named Brooks, who likes to think he runs the Bernard Dog Park.

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