Board Candidate Bio for Sacoyia Reed (2024)
Name: Sacoyia Reed
Neighborhood: Upper Lawrenceville (10th Ward)
What years have you lived in Lawrenceville? 2021-present
Why did you move to Lawrenceville? Safety and convenience
Current job title (if employed): Nurse and School Teacher
Why do you want to be on the LU Board? What would you like to work on within the neighborhood? I want to continue to make contributions in the arena of equitable housing.
Volunteer, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: Gateway Medical Society, Lawrenceville United
What makes Lawrenceville unique? Why? Lawrenceville has potential to be one of the first revitalized neighborhoods to bring back the interconnected feeling a community should have.
One of LU’s core values is equity and the organization has recently embraced anti-oppression trainings to support our work in this area. What’s one idea you have for how LU should live out its commitment to equity? Continue work around housing justice while looking for ways to make the business district more inclusive
How are you involved in the Lawrenceville community? LU Board, Lawrenceville Resident
What would you bring to the LU Board (e.g. experience, skills, perspective, network, etc.)? Experience in education, healthcare and the perspective of a woman of color
What’s one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you? I rehab furniture and crochet as hobbies.