Board Candidate Bio for John Atem (2021

/ Board Candidate Bio for John Atem (2021

Name: John Atem

What years have you lived in Lawrenceville? 2014-Present

Why did you move to Lawrenceville? Diverse community and friends from college in the neighborhood.

Current job title (if employed): Graduate Student

Why do you want to be on the LU Board? To be a support and resource in the community that I live in and am raising my family in, and to be able to be a leader in the efforts to uplift all members of the community, to represent all of Lawrenceville’s diverse residents and their needs, and ensure Lawrenceville is a safe and welcoming community for all.

Volunteer, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: Case Manager with nonprofit refugee resettlement organization in Pittsburgh.

What makes Lawrenceville unique? Why? Diversity of the community in life long residents, newer members, ages, backgrounds, etc. The community priorities of safety and protection of the environment.

What is one thing you would like to work on within the neighborhood? Why? Ensure affordable housing options for families and sidewalk safety for pedestrians to make Lawrenceville a safe and welcoming place for families.

How are you involved in the Lawrenceville community? Community resident with network of friends who are residents and business owners in the neighborhood.

What would you bring to the LU Board (e.g. experience, skills, perspective, network, etc.)? Diverse network within Lawrenceville and throughout the City of Pittsburgh. Born and raised in Sudan and immigrated to the United State. I have the unique perspective of being an immigrant and a minority. My experiences within different cultures and living in different countries throughout the world have given me a unique perspective and the ability to connect with people from very diverse backgrounds.

What’s one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you? I speak 3 languages and I love to dance.