Board Candidate Bio for Ashley Varrato (2023)

/ Board Candidate Bio for Ashley Varrato (2023)

Name: Ashley Varrato

What years have you lived in Lawrenceville? 13

Why did you move to Lawrenceville? I moved here with friends over a decade ago because of the unique homes, proximity to so many businesses, and desire to live in a walkable neighborhood with easy access to public transit and eventually bought a home here for the same reasons.

Current job title (if employed): Senior Program Manager at UPMC Enterprises

Why do you want to be on the LU Board? I’ve lived in Lawrenceville for over a decade and believe I can help further LU’s mission and vision for the neighborhood.

Volunteer, Non-Profit, or Board Experience:Work: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh 2007-2009; Pittsburgh Public Schools 2011-2017; Allegheny County Department of Human Services 2019-2022; Volunteer: I’ve been an LU board member for two years, serving on the equity and inclusion and development committees, became a buddy to a neighbor during COVID, participated in Reading is Fundamental at Weil Elementary from 2016-2018, and am an active member of Black Women for a Better Education.

What makes Lawrenceville unique? Why? The age and architecture of the homes, all the alleyways, the history of the neighborhood, the cemetery and proximity to the river, the variety of small businesses, and most importantly the people – I live between two lifetime residents, both named Virginia, which is definitely a highlight.

What is one thing you would like to work on within the neighborhood? Why? Support Pep Rally and deepen connections between families and neighborhood schools, and support LUs approach to community-centered public safety.

How are you involved in the Lawrenceville community? I’ve served on the Lawrenceville United board for two years, served as a buddy to a neighbor during COVID, supported fundraising for the Lawrenceville branch of the Carnegie Library, and I was a member of the Community Garden on Sherrod Street for 6 years.

What would you bring to the LU Board (e.g. experience, skills, perspective, network, etc.)?Most of my work experience here in Pittsburgh has been in some of our larger pubic institutions that serve kids and families. I worked in public education for over a decade in a number of roles, implementing programs with Pittsburgh Public Schools in partnership with teachers, principals, and district leaders. In my previous role at Allegheny County DHS I worked with the Office of Community Services that supports many programs serving families here in Lawrenceville (like the Community Learning Hub at the Boys and Girls Club that operated during COVID). I currently work on a small team tasked with improving the patient experience and access to healthcare for the community at UPMC. My background is in design and public policy, and I have experience grant writing, developing program evaluation models, and leading strategic planning processes.

What’s one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you? I’m left-handed, and often can’t read my own handwriting.