Bio for Timothy LaVoie

/ Bio for Timothy LaVoie

Name: Timothy LaVoie

Area: Upper Lawrenceville/ 10th Ward

How long have you lived in Lawrenceville? 4 years

Why did you move to/ stay in Lawrenceville? It has everything that I love about Pittsburgh in one walkable neighborhood.

Current Employer/ Job Title:  Assistant Public Defender

Please list Community Service, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: English as a Second Language tutor through Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council

 What makes Lawrenceville unique?  Why?  The commitment level of residents to give their time towards projects and events that make this the best place in the city to live. I’ve never lived anywhere where people are so personally invested in their neighborhood’s success.

What is was one thing you would like to work on within the neighborhood?  Why? I’d like to help with Responsible Growth issues to keep the neighborhood’s character and charm as it grows economically.

What LU program or project most interests you?  Why?  Upper Lawrenceville/10th Ward Plan.  My girlfriend and I just bought our first house on Keystone St. We’re making a long-term commitment to the 10th, and I can’t wait to see it really shine.

What is one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you? I write a monthly music column for an online magazine, in which I get to interview national acts coming through Pittsburgh and review new records.