Bio for Nancy Gippert
Name: Nancy L. Gippert
What years have you lived in Lawrenceville? 5.5 years
Why did you move to Lawrenceville? Moved after retirement and found a near-perfect home in Lawrenceville.
Current Employer/ Job Title: Retired, (Previous Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission)
Why do you want to be on the LU Board: In order to maintain and improve the quality of life for all the residents of Lawrenceville.
Please list Community Service, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: Thomas Merton Center (Board Member, present); Women’s Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh (President, BOD, 1987-1988); Paxton Crossing Homeowners Assn. (President 1995-1998); Mana Food Pantry (Director, 2012-2014); Common Cause of Pennsylvania (State Chair, 2012-2015)
What makes Lawrenceville unique? Why? Walkability, unique housing, diversity of the neighborhood (in some respects), good public transit, active neighborhood organizations, historical.
What is was one thing you would like to work on within the neighborhood? Why? Maintaining the character of the neighborhood in order to maintain the current diversity. Fighting for affordable housing.
How are you involved in the Lawrenceville community? I have been heavily involved in both the Housing Committee and Governance Committee for Lawrenceville United. I attend the Lawrenceville Farmers Market, the community meetings, and I’m an AdvantAGE member. I walk my dog a lot and talk to a lot of people.
What would you bring to the LU Board (e.g. experience, skills, perspective, network, etc.)? The perspective of long-time experience in community organizations throughout Pennsylvania, and as a former fair housing attorney and housing counselor.
What is one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you? I went whitewater rafting for the first time at age 72.