Bio for Dave Robbins

/ Bio for Dave Robbins

Name: Dave Robbins

What years have you lived in Lawrenceville? 2015-present

Why did you move to Lawrenceville? Vibrant neighborhood

Current Job Title (if employed): Vice President of Development, American Heart Association

Why do you want to be on the LU Board? What would you like to work on within the neighborhood? I’m proud to live in such a vibrant, vivacious neighborhood. I’m interested in helping make the neighborhood me inclusive and accessible for all.

Please list Volunteer, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: My professional experience has included two non-profits (The American Heart Association and the American College); my volunteer experience includes work at the Children’s Home and Big Brother Big Sister.

What makes Lawrenceville unique? Why? I am the parent to a disabled child. I’m always extremely humbled and heartened by how the entire neighborhood continues to rally around him and make sure he knows he (and our family) is a valued member of the community.

One of LU’s core values is equity and the organization will be undergoing anti-oppression trainings in summer 2022, which new Board members will participate in. What’s one idea you have for how LU should live out its commitment to equity? I would be interested in fleshing out accessibility in the neighborhoods (sidewalks, curb cuts, store and restaurant access, etc.).

How are you involved in the Lawrenceville community? I’m looking to get more involved! Our son has gotten us out in the community more and I see how many opportunities there are to serve the neighborhood. I’d love to help be a catalyst for continued positive change and equity in the neighborhood.

What would you bring to the LU Board (e.g. experience, skills, perspective, network, etc.)? I have a lovely network of contacts that is community oriented. I have also begun some preliminary research on potential grants that could help repair the sidewalks in the neighborhood.

What is one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you? I love music! I am self taught at piano but cannot read music- it’s on my bucket list!