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Whole Child, Whole Community Conversation
Help shape the future of Pittsburgh Public Schools! In December 2013, PPS released the plan “Whole Child, Whole Community,” which was created with feedback from the community. The Plan sets forth a path to help the District address two critical issues–financial stability and academic performance as well as reach our vision: ALL children will graduate…
Lawrenceville announces new six-year partnership
The Lawrenceville Corporation and Lawrenceville United are proud to announce a six-year, $1.2 million partnership with UPMC Health Plan, Duquesne Light, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, and Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Developed through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Neighborhood Partnership Tax Credit Program (NPP), the work of the partnership will…
Lawrenceville-Wide Public Safety Meeting
Beginning in 2019, in lieu of the monthly “block watch” meetings in each section of Lawrenceville, LU and Pittsburgh Police Zone 2 are teaming up to offer quarterly public safety meetings for all of Lawrenceville to cover larger issues affecting the entire community. Agenda will include: *A review of crime trends in Lawrenceville for…
Lawrenceville announces new six-year partnership
The Lawrenceville Corporation and Lawrenceville United are proud to announce a six-year, $1.2 million partnership with UPMC Health Plan, Duquesne Light, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, and Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Developed through the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Neighborhood Partnership Tax Credit Program (NPP), the work of the partnership will…
11th Hour Brewing Meeting Recap & Update
March 15, 2016 Thanks to all who attended the meeting on 11th Hour Brewery (3701 Charlotte Street) on March 9, 2015. The owners shared their plans and responded to resident questions and concerns about the project. They also completed our standard information sheet, which lists information on their hours, menu, amplified sound, and other details on their proposed…
Community Meeting for Development at 234 38th Street
Proposed construction of 234 38th Street & 234.5 38th Street requires zoning approval. E Properties and Development LLC is building 2 new 3-story single-family dwellings with one parking pad in the rear. They are seeking Variance 903.03.D.2: Minimum 1800 sq. ft. lot size required, 1200 sq. ft. requested Minimum 15 ft. front setback for unit 2…