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Support “Housing for All”: a call to action for inclusionary zoning

Lawrenceville United, Lawrenceville Corporation, Councilwoman Deb Gross, and the Department of City Planning co-hosted three “Housing For All” community meetings between September and November to discuss the state of housing and displacement in Lawrenceville and discuss a possible inclusionary zoning policy in Lawrenceville. Meeting notes are available here.

Now it’s time to make “housing for all” a reality! 

To support housing opportunities for all as the Lawrenceville neighborhood grows, please join us by:

  • Signing the petition to show your support for inclusionary zoning in Lawrenceville, and sharing with your neighbors: https://goo.gl/pzQqFf
  • Speaking at City Council on 11/27, 12/5, 12/11, or 12/19. All public comment periods are at 10 a.m. at City Council chambers on the 5th floor in the City County Building (414 Grant Street). To let us know you’ll be attending or help with preparing your comments, contact 412-802-7220 or info@LUnited.org.

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