Presentation from Duncan Park Kick-Off Meeting 2018

Duncan Park Kick-Off Presentation

Lawrenceville United hosted a kick-off community meeting on Duncan Park on Tuesday, March 6th at the Goodwill Workforce Development Center, 118 52nd Street. Duncan Park is a decommissioned City of Pittsburgh Park currently in the process of transformation to a community orchard and neighborhood play space. The project is led by a dedicated group of volunteers, neighbors, families, and Lawrenceville United.

Plans for 2018 include the installation of a slide as well as other play equipment which uses the natural features of the site.

Attendees can learn more about the project’s history and the timeline for improvements in 2018, give feedback, and find out ways to get involved in Duncan Park this summer. Volunteer roles might include helping with fundraising, gardening, playscape installation, organizing group play opportunities, and more.

You can join Lawrenceville United for monthly work-days at Duncan Park, every 4th Monday of the month from 5:30 pm onward. Contact for more information.

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