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216 38th Street Meeting Notes

216 38th Street

Partners: Moss Architects and E Properties

Presenting: Andrew Moss

  • ZBA Hearing = 9/8
  • Coordinating between the developers to mitigate negative impact on neighbors
  • Proposing to build property line to property line and to front property line
  • Next to property currently under construction on 38th St
  • Garage to be accessed off alleyway, set back 5’ because alley so narrow
  • Variances
    • Almost identical to project across the street
    • No height variance
    • Setback variances, variance for rooftop deck
  • Design
    • Masonry base, cement board panel and siding up center
    • Small canopy covering front entrances
    • Same height as property under construction nextdoor

Presenting: Emeka – E Properties

  • Office on 47th (?) and Butler
  • Currently doing McCleary School Condos project
  • Very active in Lawrenceville
  • Working with project across the street to address concerns about port-a-johns, construction, road openings; looking to use same contractors
  • Size and scale of project is comparable to other projects in the area that E Properties has done

Q & A

  • Brandon Dunlevy (234 38th St): Large pothole on 38th Street resulted from other construction.
    • Emeka: Sub-contractor opened it, working to solve it with contractors and the city.
    • Matt: Timeline on getting this done.
    • Emeka: Hopefully next few weeks.
  • Rege Ricketts (255 38th St): Properties up from Cantina are huge eye sores – what’s going on with them? Someone was supposed to do something with them.
    • Matt: LC tried to take through the Treasurer’s Sale, but taxes were paid off before we could get them. Property owner still sitting on them, not doing anything.
  • Jenna DiMenno (229 38th Street): 1-car or 2-car garages?
    • Emeka: 1 each, 2 total
    • Andrew Moss: if small cars, can probably fit 2.
    • Jenna: Most people have 2 cars these days. Should consider pushing parking into the site more to fit 2 spots back-to-back.
  • Mike Cummins (236 38th St): Every setback including height?
    • Andrew Moss: Not height – staircase doesn’t count and is permitted by right
    • Mike: But looking for setbacks on all sides?
    • Andrew: Not rear but sides and front.
    • Mike: Seems like you’re trying to jam more in than necessary. Already significant issues with parking. Lot seems better suited for something similar to the adjacent property and house.

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