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4830 Hatfield Meeting Notes


8.16.16 9th Ward Meeting

Rick Belloli, Douglas Duerr, Q Development


Rick’s background is community development, so Q’s approach is to work closely with the local community throughout the development process.

About a dozen residents were attending to hear about the Hatfield project.

Built in 1885. Was used as a school until the 1940s; has been vacant for many years and is in poor condition. Q’s business model is to save buildings that would otherwise be demolished, that are of historical interest.

Q currently has an option to buy the property that will expires the first week of September. Current plan is to have 11 apartments in the building. Zoned single family currently. Rick believes it’s a less intrusive development than others that could be proposed, and allows for the building to remain, while other investors have not found a way to make it work. Q is also working on the Garden Theatre project, so they’re used to dealing with sensitive projects that involve a high degree of public involvement.


Q: Parking plan?

A: They can fit 10 spaces on site, zoning requires 11.

Q: All 10 on Blackberry Way?

A: All coming off of Blackberry, parked nose-in to the back of the site.

Q: How many bedrooms in each unit?

A: 8 1 br, 1 2 br, 2 micro/studio

Q: Market rate?

A: Yes.

Q: Do any of your plans involve expanding building?

A: Previously they were considering addition off the back of the building, but that is no longer part of the plans.

Note: plywood just flew off the side of the building in tonight’s storm. Rick will contact building owners to let them know.

Q: Trees along Hatfield side?

A: Q plans to preserve the front lawn on the Hatfield Street side of the building, including trees, but they have not yet been evaluated for viability.

Q: Opportunity for using interior first floor for parking?

A: No, the topography doesn’t allow for that. Not a standard four square building, so it isn’t feasible.

Q: Would you consider tax credits for below market-rate units, as there are so many planned market-rate developments in Lawrenceville?

A: Moderately-priced market rate is Q’s model, but since they don’t know the financing options yet, the math may be difficult. Other developers have tried with this site, so affordable housing won’t be an option with preserving the building.

Q: Some trees are digging into sidewalk along Hatfield; will there be sidewalk repair?

A: Sidewalks would be repaved to accommodate the trees.


It’s very early in the processas Q hasn’t purchased the property yet, but they are happy to come to as many community meetings as people want.

Residents: main concern is parking.

Q will return before any zoning hearing takes place.

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