
2016 Block Watch Schedule

As of 2016, Zone Two police representatives will be attending one block watch in Lawrenceville per month. The schedule is as follows; updates will be made as needed.

January:   10th Ward Block Watch 1/12 6:30 pm , AOH

9th Ward Block Watch 1/19 7:00 pm , St. Mary’s (Police will attend)

February:  10th Ward Block Watch 2/9 6:30 pm, AOH (Police will attend)

9th Ward Block Watch 2/16 7:00 pm, St. Mary’s

March:     10th Ward Block Watch 3/8 6:30 pm, AOH

9th Ward Block Watch 3/15  7:00 pm, St. Mary’s

6th Ward Block Watch 3/28 7:00 pm, Arsenal or another location (TBD) (Police will attend

April:     10th Ward Block Watch 4/12 6:30 pm , AOH

9th Ward Block Watch 4/19 7:00 pm , St. Mary’s (Police will attend)

May:       10th Ward Block Watch 5/10 6:30 pm, AOH (Police will attend)

9th Ward Block Watch 5/17 7:00 pm, St. Mary’s

June:      10th Ward Block Watch 6/14 6:30 pm, AOH

9th Ward Block Watch 6/21  7:00 pm, St. Mary’s

6th Ward Block Watch 6/27 7:00 pm, Arsenal or another location (TBD) (Police will attend)

July:     NO BLOCK WATCHES – summer break

August: 10th Ward Block Watch 8/9 6:30 pm, AOH

9th Ward Block Watch 8/16  7:00 pm, St. Mary’s (Police will attend)

September: 10th Ward Block Watch 9/13 6:30 pm, AOH (Police will attend)

9th Ward Block Watch 9/20  7:00 pm, St. Mary’s

October:     10th Ward Block Watch 10/11 6:30 pm , AOH

9th Ward Block Watch 10/18 7:00 pm , St. Mary’s

6th Ward Block Watch 10/24 7:00 pm, Arsenal or another location (TBD)- Police will attend and moving it up one week because of halloween

November: 10th Ward Block Watch 11/8 6:30 pm, AOH

9th Ward Block Watch 11/15 7:00 pm, St. Mary’s (Police will attend)

December:  10th Ward Block Watch 12/13, 6:30 pm, AOH  (Police will attend)

9th Ward Holiday Party/ Block Watch  12/20 6:30 pm, St. Mary’s (Police will attend)

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