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The Vandal (4306 Butler St.)


Owners of the building 4306 Butler Street, Joe Hilty and Emily Slagel, are planning to open a casual dining restaurant there this summer. The restaurant will be open 11am – 10pm 6 days a week (closed Mondays) and will offer mid-price options like sandwiches ($8-10) and simple entrees ($12-18). Emily, who also owns Mid-Atlantic Mercantile at 4415 Butler St., is responsible for the interior design, while Joe plans to cook and run the day-to-day operations.

They are not currently pursuing any zoning changes or a liquor license, so no community process is required of them. However, they are considering applying for a liquor license within the next 1-2 years to add a small number of beer and wine options, which would initiate the responsible hospitality process involving opportunity for public comment.  The owners have made themselves available to residents with concerns about the restaurant’s impact on neighbors, so please contact LU in order to get in touch with them with any further questions.

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