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Doughboy Centennial
Want to make a donation to keep the Doughboy looking good for the next hundred years? Make a contribution to the Doughboy Statue Centennial Fund via GoFundMe here. Want to help with future work days to keep the Doughboy area looking beautiful by weeding, mulching, planting, and more? Sign up to be a volunteer and…
Virtual Public Safety Meeting about COVID-19 and Resources for Resilience
For our monthly Public Safety Meeting, we can’t safely meet in person – so please join us for a virtual meeting by Zoom to discuss COVID-19 and local resources for resilience on Tuesday, April 28th from 6-7:30pm. After staff updates on the Buddy system, supports for families with children, the farmers market, and ways we…
2013 Halloween and Light Up Lawrenceville Events
It’s that time of year! The leaves are changing color, we have a large rubber duck on the river, the Pirates are in the playoffs, and the days are getting shorter and cooler—we’ve reached an amazing fall in Pittsburgh. I remember this day last year, we were perusing the schedule for Hamilton in LA to see…
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program voucher applications open!
2020 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program The annual Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) is available to eligible residents of Allegheny County. Eligible individuals may receive one set of checks worth $24 to be spent at participating farmers markets. The 2020 Senior Farmers Market Program will look different this year due to COVID-19….
New Amsterdam Addition
New Amsterdam held a community meeting June 2, 2011 when the deck was initially proposed. At that time, they met with the community regarding the development of a rooftop dining space. The community was generally supportive as long as measures to screen the rooftop and control the noise were included in the plan. They have…
9th Ward Block Watch Meeting Notes for October and November
Please see below for meeting notes and materials for the 9th Ward Block Watch meetings in October and November. October 18, 2016 – 9th Ward Block Watch and community meeting on Hatfield Row project: Original agenda. Meeting notes. Public safety report. Presentation from Gupta Properties. November 15, 2016 – 9th Ward Block Watch and community…