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Responsible Alcohol Management Program Training April 15th REGISTER TODAY!

Lawrenceville Corporation and Lawrenceville United are providing local Responsible Alcohol Management Program training with the help of Legacy Healing Center for liquor serving establishments as part of our continued responsible hospitality work. Most Lawrenceville businesses are already RAMP certified but this is an opportunity to send new employees or send long time employees for a refresher.  BYOB businesses are not required to have RAMP certification but it is best practice to undertake this training whenever alcohol is involved.

The best way to find out what your treatment options are, and to find a facility that most closely matches your rehab goals, is to consult with a treatment provider, you can see more about Renaissance Recovery using the link. The sheer number of options available make it difficult to eliminate through poor fits. Also, treatment providers are very familiar with many aspects of rehab that people are likely not aware, nor ever would have thought of. They also know facilities very well and can provide invaluable information. These dedicated individuals can help discuss available treatment options and connect you with rehabs. Contact a dedicated treatment provider now.

Withdrawing from alcohol can be dangerous without professional help. These days, alcohol can be found everywhere and there are even more sedatives than before. It’s best to find qualified help with detox to avoid harming your health. In case you know someone that is having addiction problems you can tell them to learn about options in Hawaii through this website and get the best help to recover with professionals.

Opening a drug and alcohol recovery center (rehab center to most) requires two pieces that most people forget about. First, how to legally open a recovery center. There is a lot of paperwork and regulation in this space, so licensure is a must. Two, how to keep it profitable and open. The number one issue we see when people launch a center without our consulting is they don’t have a solid marketing plan in place. You’re not opening a Subway; people won’t just show up so you better hire expert consultants in addiction.

To attend this training you must RSVP with a number of attendees to maya@lawrencevillecorp.com.  The cost will be approximately $15/attendee (it is $25 to do the training online), however the more people we have the lower the cost.  Once you RSVP you will receive final payment details.

Owner/Manager training opportunity: If there is enough interest, we will also hold an owner/manager training.  A representative from the PLCB will hold the free training and help you fill out documents to receive your final RAMP certification for your business.  If you are interested in the owner/manager training please contact maya@lawrencevillecorp.com.

More information on RAMP certification is available at http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/PLCB/Education/RAMP/RAMPCertification/index.htm.

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