Board Member Deirdre Kane

Name: Deirdre Kane

Area: Upper Lawrenceville/ 10th Ward

How long have you lived in Lawrenceville? 41 years

Why did you move to/ stay in Lawrenceville? Born in 10th ward

Current Employer/ Job Title:  Highmark/ Market & Co-owner 52nd Street Market

Please list Community Service, Non-Profit, or Board Experience: Steward for Lawrenceville Organic Community Garden, Mentoring, FitUnited Board @ Highmark

 What makes Lawrenceville unique?  Why?  Our neighbors and sense of community.  Folks talk to one another and look out for each other.  Folks in the neighborhood support LV businesses.

What is was one thing you would like to work on within the neighborhood?  Why?  I would like to make sure that LV remains an affordable neighborhood, rentals and the cost of houses.

What LU program or project most interests you?  Why?  LU’s support of the Lawrenceville Organic Community Gardens.  Without their support there would only be one garden. Also we are able to get funding and grants because they act as our fiduciary.

What is one fun fact that others might be surprised to know about you?  I am a rower and have competed in events in Ohio, DC, and PA.

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