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4618 Carlton Street

Wylie Holdings has proposed a new construction town home development for the space.  By following this link, you will be able to see renderings of what they have proposed:  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.576983625699434.1073741833.255397811191352&type=1

Not all of the details are set and they are still working on exterior design finishes.  It does look like the new construction buildings will be a bit taller than those existing on the street, but are planned to be 40 ft. high at most, therefore staying within the height that is permitted without seeking variances, etc.  BBI has requested that they take steps to shore the adjacent neighbor’s foundations as well as place fencing at the rear as they excavate, etc.

A hearing was held in front of the Zoning Board of Adjustments on December 5, 9 am.  Neighbors have challenged whether the zero foot contextual setback that was granted is legally correct, or if they should have had to apply with a different application and for other approvals. At the hearing the applicants requested a continuance and the next hearing was scheduled for December 12th at 9:30 am.  LU was notified on Wednesday, December 11th, that the applicants appealing the zoning decision had withdrawn their appeal.

If you would like to discuss in more detail, please contact Lauren at Lawrenceville United at 412-802-7220, or lauren@lunited.org

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