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211-219 38th Street Meeting Notes

211-219 38th Street

Partners: Senko Construction & Moss Architects

Presenting: Kris Senko

  • Purchased 211-219 38th Street with intent to create 5 new townhomes there
  • ZBA Hearing: September 22nd
  • History of owners, Senko Construction
    • # of projects completed locally in Northside, Oakland, Lawrenceville
      • Doughboy Square townhomes
      • Shops @ Doughboy
    • Begin in 1996, started development in 2004
      • Used to working in high density urban neighborhoods
    • Plans to mitigate impact on residents
      • Connecting with developers at 216 38th Street to coordinate street openings/closures, sidewalk closures, using same contractor most likely in order to minimize headache on neighbors
      • Keeping dumpsters off road if possible, keep on site is the goal
        • Ideally place port-a-johns on site as well
      • Timing: with ZBA approval, would break ground on 3/1/2017 with 8 months construction (to be completed end of October 2017)
        • Most inconveniences to neighbors would be at the front end of the timeline (e.g. road work)

Presenting: Andrew Moss

  • Lives next door to site
  • White house on site to be torn down
  • Five 20’ lots
    • Plan to keep new houses on top of hill, set back from street
    • Keep site wall low, terracing of site for yards
    • Trying to maintain stone wall
    • 2-car garages at back of each house
    • Front = staircase, front year
    • Keeping slope of 38th Street, homes to step up with grade as go up the hill
    • 3 bedrooms, 2 bath
  • Variances needed
    • Relatively minor compared to other projects in the neighborhood
    • Side setbacks: zoning requires 5’, asking for 0’
      • Setbacks are internal to the site
    • Rear setback as well
    • No height variances needed
    • Balconies on front: classified as separate variance but also setbacks
  • Design
    • Masonry ground floor, steel panel for upper floors, top floors to be cement or siding panel
    • New street trees and sidewalks



  • Rege Ricketts (255 38th St): When to start?
    • Kris Senko: March 1, 2017. 8 months maximum so expect to be done at the latest by late Octobrer
  • Jenna DiMenno (229 38th St): This will create extra traffic on Obregon Street, which is a blind turn. Any plans to create a mirror there?
    • Andrew Moss: Definitely open to it.
    • Matt Galluzzo: City does it in blind spots, can coordinate with them.
  • Pete Landis (Roasted): Setbacks are newer – why required in the rear?
    • Andrew Moss: How it’s written in the code, but doesn’t really reflect how homes have been built in Lawrenceville historically.
  • Cory Ricci (LU Board member): Price range?
    • Senko: Market-rate. Haven’t set the price yet but expecting around $570,000.
  • Erika Gidley (233 38th Street): If don’t get the zoning approval for the rear setback, what is Plan B?
    • Andrew Moss: Parking pads in the back.
    • Matt Galluzzo: Not providing parking would require an additional variance.
  • Jim Petruzzi (3918 Liberty Ave): Obregon is a very dangerous road.
    • Senko: No plans for Obregon, but talks with city to topcoat Foster Street.

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